There was a wonderful turn-out yesterday for Open School Night. Parents and teachers had an opportunity to meet and greet each other. The evening started on time, at 6 pm, with a welcome from Mrs. Barrett introducing the teachers - a fresh-faced and eager group of newcomers to complement the outstanding and experienced veterans already at PS 161! Ms. Arthur, our Parent Coordinator, prepared a handout consisting of a code of conduct for students and parents, as well as procedural school information - please read this carefully with your child. There was also a handout from the PTA, a guidebook of general information useful to parents. Additionally, the PTA handout included a PTA Membership Registration form. Please fill this out and have your child return it to school - this is a vital tool in reaching parents to share important and useful information.
Looking ahead, the PTA Executive Board meeting will be held on Monday, October 1, 2007 6:30 pm. All are invited, only board members can speak. The general PTA meeting will be on Monday, October 15, 2007 6:30 pm. This meeting will include a full agenda, so please mark your calendars. Also, Picture Day is coming soon, Thursday, October 18th will be picture day at school. More details to follow.
Now that parents and teachers have met, and expectations have been defined, its time for our students to get to work.
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