The above quote by Helen Keller is rather timely as we approach our first Open School Night. Tuesday, September 18th at 6 pm, please join the teachers, administration and parent leaders in the auditorium as they welcome you to an exciting new school year. This is an opportunity to meet your child's teachers, other parents, and gain a sense of the goals set forth for the academic year by all parties with a vested interest in your child's future.
We have come up with a slogan or motto if you will for our PTA: PS 161 PTA – Shaping a Generation of Leaders. This literally means that whatever we do impacts our children's lives. So as people who want a generation of leaders, we must have a vision and a plan. We must inspire our children to be the future leaders they are all destined to be!
The agenda for the meeting part of the evening will be very brief. Introductions will be made of the parent leader groups after a general welcome from Principal Barrett and PTA president, Tricia Mecklembourg. Afterwards, everyone will head to the classrooms for a meet and greet of the teachers. See you next Tuesday!
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