There was singing. There was saxophone playing. There was even a round of Red Light Green Light. Yes, the November PTA meeting had it all, an evening of fun, good times and cheer. This past Monday - November 19th - the PTA meeting featured Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner with wonderful tasty dishes brought in by our parents and teachers. We even had an extremely talented saxophone player to accompany us during the dinner - our very own, Clarence Newman, an 8th grader in the Crown School.
During the Principal's report, Mrs. Barrett had two surprise guests who spoke to parents: State Senator, Eric Adams and 71st Precinct Community Council President, Mr. Karl Cohen. Both men pledged to work with parents and provided words of inspiration before the holiday season. Mrs. Barrett then presented awards to the November Students of the Month. There was also a raffle - five turkeys and two hams were raffled off to lucky winners (or last minute shoppers???).
The evening was a great success thanks to the support and hard work of all our volunteers and board members; can't wait to see what happens next month during the December meeting!
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