Thank you for attending the PTA meeting last Monday - we had a wonderful turnout. There were prizes, prizes and more prizes. Our special guests for the evening, representatives from
Carver Federal Savings Bank spoke about the importance of saving early to obtain financial security. The Carver reps (Anthony Grant, Vice President & Area Manager; Cynthia L. Boyce, Carver Community Development Corp.; Sharon Banks, Crown Heights Branch Manager) also mentioned that the bank would match up to $10 any account opened by one of our PS 161 students. To kick off the savings bonanza, Mrs. Barrett offered $100 out of pocket for 10 children to start their savings account. The PTA offered an additional $100. By the end of the evening, 20 children had received $10 to start funding their accounts! There were prizes for adults as well, 4 gift certificates to Barnes and Noble were raffled off, as well as 10 copies of Bill Cosby’s latest book.

The Crown Gems book club is back. To kick off our return, the first selection is
Bill Cosby’s, Come on, People!: On the Path from Victims to Victors. Several copies were raffled at the PTA meeting, but we are asking folks to share with their friends and neighbors. This book is available at the local library and bookstores. Notices will be sent home in the coming weeks announcing the meeting date for the discussion.
In honor of
Black History Month, the February PTA meeting will be a celebration rather then a meeting. Dancing, spoken word, singing and more will be featured at this performance. Please save the date,
Thursday, February 14, 2008 (yes, Valentines Day!)

Also for Black History month, back by popular demand, the Saturday
Family Movie Festival will feature popular wholesome movies, starring, directed or produced by the greats in our community. The dates scheduled are as follows:
February 2, February 9, March 1 and March 8. Stay tuned for more details.
Picture Day was a resounding success - for the most part! Some folks have yet to receive their package, or would like to order more. The best and quickest way to resolve these issues is to contact the company
Irvin Simon Photographers and speak to our assigned customer service rep. Laura Fisher. The telephone number is 516.437.4700 extension 221. If you do leave your details in the main office or use the customer service rep, you will need the following information: your child’s name and class, the teacher’s name and the package that you ordered.
Finally, on
Monday, January 21, our school along with many U.S. institutions will be closed in honor of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was a visionary who decided to stand up for those around him. He and those who worked with him understood that the only way to change the destiny of all black folk was to ensure equality for all. Don’t close the doors opened by Dr. King and all the other pioneers. This weekend rather than just using the extra day to shop, hang out or sleep late, take a moment to think of Dr. King and while you’re at it, how about some community service!