Tuesday, November 09, 2010
whatcha talkin about willis?
November PTA Meeting & Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner
Please join us on November 18, at 6:30 pm for our November PTA Meeting & Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner. Student of the Month awards will be presented. There will also be turkey raffle.
PS 161 Picture Day
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Parent Coordinator's Corner......
'PS 161 will sponsor a ribbon cutting ceremony along with the New York City Department of Parks in celebration of the new PS 161 schoolyard playground.
Our school was selected as part of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's, Play-NYC Schoolyards to Playgrounds Initiative. The playground will be open to the community when there are no students and educational staff members in the building, on weekends, and during school breaks.
The ceremony will take place in the schoolyard of PS 161 on Thursday, September 30th at 10:30 am. PS 161 students will be performing.'
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Open School House
We're baaaaack!
Friday, June 18, 2010
- Saturday, June 19: Montgomery Block/Community Association Meeting - 12:30 pm
- Sunday, June 20: Father's Day!!! There are some great dads out there - don't forget to honor them.
- Monday, June 21: PTA Year-End Appreciation Dinner - 6:00 pm
- Thursday, June 24: 5th Grade Graduation
- Friday, June 25: 8th Grade Graduation
- Monday, June 28: Last day of school
Please enjoy the beautiful art of local Brooklyn artist Kristiana Parn - that particular tableau is titled 'It's going to Be a Good Day'.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Perfume Fundraiser
The D'Essence Perfume orders came in and were all delivered on Friday, June 11th. The PTA was able to raise approximately $450. As promised, there are some prizes for our top sellers: Top Seller - Ashley Trottman will receive a $100 gift card to Target; 2nd top seller - London Smart will receive a $50 gift card to Target; Top selling class - 7-511 will receive a dessert party.
Congratulations to our prize winners and again we thank you for your support.
Results are in!!!
President - Tricia Mecklembourg
Vice President - Demetrius Lawrence
Treasurer - Margaret Williams
Secretary - Rachel Wint
Chairperson - Anthony Best
Secretary - Rachel Wint
Vice Chair - Vacant
Fred Baptiste
Alisha Lawrence
Carol Wilson
Tricia Mecklembourg
Please congratulate your newly elected parent representatives - their term is from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.
On behalf of the PTA executive board, thank you to everyone who came out on Monday to elect our new parent board members - we had an overwhelming number of teachers at our meeting - THANK YOU!!! A special thanks to our volunteers, Mr. Marvin Wheeler, Ms. Angela Stutts and Ms. Carol Wilson.
Thursday, June 03, 2010
June Calendar
Wednesday, June 2 - Grade 5 Mediaval Times Trip; SLT Meeting, Open Meeting
Friday, June 3 - Grade 3 Circus Workshop, sponsored by the Office of Councilmember Tish James.
Monday, June 7 - NYS Science Exam Grade 4 & 8 (Part I)
Tuesday, June 8 - NYS Science Exam Grade 4 & 8 (Part II); 1/2 Day for students.
Wednesday, June 9 - Parent Nutrition Meeting, 9:30 am; Science Fair Expo - PS 13; Grade 5 trip - China Buffet
Thursday, June 10 - Professional Delevopment Day for Teachers - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS.
Friday, June 11 - Kindergarten Moving Up Assembly, 9:00 am
Monday, June 14 - NYS Social Studies Exam Grade 8 (Part I); PARENT SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS, 6:00 PM
Tuesday, June 15 - NYS Science Exam Grade 8 (Part II)
Wednesday, June 16 - Grade 5 Field Day; CSLJ Awards
Thursday, June 17 - 1/2 Day for Students
Friday, June 18 - African Dance Performance, 9:30 am
Monday, June 21 - PTA Final Meeting and Awards Dinner, 6:00 pm
Tuesday, June 22 - CSLJ Parents Meeting, Grade 6 and 7
Thursday, June 25 - Grade 5 Graduation, 9:00 am
Friday, June 26 - Grade 8 Graduation, 9:00 am
Monday, June 28 - Last day of school, 12:00 pm dismissal
Thursday, May 20, 2010
This event will feature aspiring youth, showcasing their talents and leadership efforts in community service. There will be exciting performances by the following PS 161 groups:
Steel Pan
Special guest performers from local area schools and
Much, much more
Additionally, there will be an awards ceremony for the poetry contest winners.
Please join us for this free family event celebrating our youth. Light refreshments will be served.
Note: Parents MUST accompany their children at all times.
School Elections
Elections for Officers of the PS 161 Parent School Boards Are Open!
Please Run, Vote and Get Involved!
Will take place from the floor on election night on Thursday, May 27 at 6:00 pm
Will take place on Thursday, May 27 at 6:00 pm. You must be present to run or to vote.
Will be announced at the May 27 meeting
Term of office
July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011
Number of positions available
PTA - 4 positions
PAC – 3 positions
SLT - 3 positions
Positions and general duties of PTA positions (see bylaws for specific duties)
1. President - Heads association & presides at ALL meetings
2. Vice President - Assist president & performs duties in absence
3. Secretary - Prepares meeting minutes, maintains all official records, coordinates all correspondence
4. Treasurer - Conducts & responsible for all financial affairs
Goals and objectives of other offices: PAC and SLT
1. PAC – Parent Advisory Council: Ensure effective involvement of all parents of Title I participating children and to support the partnership between other school community stakeholders (school administration and staff, PTA and SLT); To involve parents of Title I participating students in an organized and timely manner with the planning, review, and implementation of Title I programs and the joint development of the school parental involvement policy and the school-parent compact.
2. SLT – School Leadership Team: Comprising of administration, teachers and parents, the SLT is responsible for developing an educational plan, matching budget to needs, and building a sense of community. Parents make up half of membership; rest is teachers, school staff, union and Parent Association representation, and possibly students or community members
Eligibility for Parent Members: Per the bylaws, whether or not you pay the “suggested dues”, you are automatically a member of the Parent Teacher Association if you are a parent, guardian or person in parental relation to a child attending PS 161. A member is entitled to vote and to run for any position. The election process and officer’s duties are outlined in the bylaws – copies will be made available during the election. You can also obtain a copy of the Chancellor’s Guidelines on the DOE website.
Eligibility for Teacher Members: Per the Chancellor’s Regulations, as a Parent Teacher Association (PTA), membership must be open to all teachers in the school. Any staff person who is a member of the association is eligible to vote, unless otherwise restricted by conflicts of interest. Persons employed in the school cannot serve on a nominating committee, or run for positions on the executive board.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
D'Essense Perfume Fundraiser
This fundraiser is open to EVERYONE in school – students, staff, parents etc. This is a great fundraiser as it allows us to receive 50% of the profits raised.
Successful participation in this fundraiser means we can continue to support:
African Dance lessons
Year-end activities for: Kindergarten, 5th grade and 8th grade classes
Teacher and Staff Grants and more
And much much more.
Top Seller: $100 Gift Card to Target
Second Top Seller: $50 Gift Card to Target
Top Selling Class: Dessert Party (Full works – ice cream, cake, cookies. etc.)
Also… The teacher of top selling class will receive special gift
WE COUNT ON YOUR SUPPORT AND PARTICIPATION!!!!!The forms are due back in two weeks – Friday, May 14, 2010. Your payments of cash or money order will be accepted, NO PERSONAL CHECKS. Please make money orders payable to: PS 161 PTA.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
On behalf of the entire PTA, we thank ALL TEACHERS for their hard work and devotion to our children. We cannot express the sum of our gratitude in just one handout, nor do we feel that our appreciation should be pinned down to one week, but we hope that you know YOU ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED. THANK YOU!!!!
We also want to take the opportunity to thank the entire Main Office staff for all that they do. In particular, I would like to acknowledge, Ms. Arthur, Ms. Chung, Ms. Glenn, Ms. Yaw and Msv for always going above and beyond.
May 2010 Calendar
The May calendar is here and the following are the highlights:
May 5 through 7 - NYS Math Exam; Grades 3 - 8 (GOOD LUCK!!!!)
May 7 - Junior Achievement Day
May 8 - Rockaway Review, 12:00 pm; Young Entrepreneur's Community Project
May 11 - CSLJ Trip to Madison Square Garden
May 12 - SLT Meeting, 5:30 pm
May 22 - Youth Show Case Program, 12:00 - 3:00 pm
May 27 - PTA Meeting: Election, 6 to 7 pm; Meeting, 7 to 8 pm
May 28 - 5th Annual Career Day
May 31 - Memorial Day, School Closed
Thursday, April 08, 2010
April PTA Meeting
Lamda Kappa Mu, Nu Chapter and PS 161 PTA Community Health Fair
Who: Nu Chapter Lamda Kappa Mu Sorority and the PS 161 PTA
What: Community Health Fair
When: Saturday, April 10, 2010 - 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Where: PS 161
Why: Come out and get valuable information on Asthma, Diabetes, Fitness, Hypertension and More. Have fun while gaining information. Join a fitness class or a Zumba exercise class. Take a stress test challenge.
Saturday, April 10, 2010 - Health Fair, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm; CSLJ Saturday Science Program, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 - School Wide Poetry Contest
Thursday, April 15, 2010 - School Leadership Team (SLT) meeting, 5:30 pm
Saturday, April 17, 2010 - CSLJ Saturday Science Program, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 - PTA Meeting, 6:00 pm
Monday, April 26, 2010 - New York State E.L.A Exam, Grades 3 - 8
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - New York State E.L.A Exam, Grades 3 - 8
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - New York State E.L.A Exam, Grades 4 and 5
Thursday, December 03, 2009

last week. We had a wonderful turnout. It was also great to see so many students
receive their awards for academic achievement - keep up the great work!

We are happy for the many recipients of our Turkey Give-Away. We would like to thank Assemblyman Karim Camara and the 71st Precinct for their generous donations! In addition, thank you for all the donations for our Pot Luck dinner! Lastly, we would like to give a big THANKS to Ms. Eastman for chairing our Uniform Exchange Project. She and her team cleaned, ironed and wrapped each individual uniform. They did such a wonderful job, that the uniforms were going like 'hotcakes'. The Uniform Exchange table will be featured at all PTA events.

School Pictures
Last week was Picture Retake Day open to any students unsatisfied with their original photos, or those who did not participate the first time. If you have any questions regarding quality, reorders or refunds, please do not call the main office. Please call Irvin Simon Photographers, at 51.437.4700 and ask for Laura Fisher. Laura is our Customer Service Rep and will assist you with all of your picture questions.
Before calling, please have the following information available: your child's class, teacher and picture package ordered.
December Calendar
The December Calendar was sent home this week. Below are the highlights:
Tuesday, December 1, 2009 - SLT Meeting; 5:30 pm
Wednesday, December 9, 2009 - Parent Nutrition Workshop; 9:00 am
Thursday, December 10, 2009 - Last Day for Penny Harvest
Friday, December 11, 2009 - Parent ELA Workshop, All Grades; 9:00 am
Wednesday, December 16, 2009 - Parent Nutrition Workshop; 9:00 am
Thursday, December 17, 2009 - PTA Meeting/Holiday Program; 6:00 pm
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 - Heal the World HIV and Mural Fundraiser
December 24 - January 4, - WINTER RECESS
d'Essence Student Fundraiser

The PTA is participating in a new student fundraiser. Just in time for holiday shopping, you will find an order form from d'essence - an LMS fragrance company.
Featuring real perfumes and colognes in a wide selection of designer fragrances (Vera Wang, Chanel, Sean Jean and Gucci) at the wonderful price of $10.00 each! Now is the time to stock up for the holidays - for parents, grandparents, teachers, colleagues. etc.
The class with the most sales will receive an in-class pizza party. The top seller will receive a $100 gift certificate to GameStop - the second prize winner will receive an iPod shuffle.
The forms are due back in two weeks - December 9, 2009 - to ensure delivery before the holidays. Your payments of cash, money order or check will be accepted. Please make money orders and/or checks payable to: PS 161 PTA.
Friday, November 06, 2009

Additionally we will have a uniform exchange that evening. If you have gently worn and clean uniforms that you would like to donate (as well as coats, baby items etc.), please bring them to the meeting on November 23rd to share with your fellow parents.
Help needed!
Picture Day Info
We want to thank you for participating in School Picture Day - it was chaotic but overwhelmingly successful. I would like to thank SLT Member Carol Wilson and our other staff and parent volunteers who were on hand on October 19th to make sure this day was a success - from coordinating the photographers, to straightening ties and patting down braids - THANK YOU!!
Please note that it will take up to four weeks for the pictures to arrive at school – do not call the main office to ask them for this information. Once the pictures have arrived and are distributed, save the information on the envelope – there will be an account number for which you can call the customer service rep assigned to our school. You will be able to contact that rep, for issues about quality, increasing your order etc. If your child was absent on October 19th or if the quality of your picture is extremely unsatisfactory, our Picture Retake Day will on Monday, November 23rd. Please mark your calendars, as this will be your final opportunity to take pictures for this school year.
November 2009 Calendar
Monday, November 2 - SLT Meeting; 5:30 pm
Tuesday, November 3 - Election Day; No Classes for Students
Wednesday, November 4 - Candy Delivery Day
Saturday/Sunday, November 7 and 8 - Grade 8 Specialized High School Admission Test
Tuesday, November 10 - Parent-Teacher Conferences; 1:00 - 3:00 pm and 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Wednesday, November 11 - Veterans Day; NO SCHOOL
Monday, November 16 - NY State Grade 5 Social Studies Test, Part I
Tuesday, November 17 - NY State Grade 5 Social Studies Test, Part II
Wednesday/Thursday, November 18/19 - Open School, Visit your child's class; 9:00 - 11:00 am
Friday, November 20 - Grade 2 & 3 Parent ELA Workshop; 9:00 am
Monday, November 23 - PTA Meeting (Thanksgiving Pot Luck); 6:30 pm
Thursday/Friday, November 26/27 - Thanksgiving Recess; NO SCHOOL
Monday, November 30 - Math Parent Workshop; 9:00 am
Friday, October 16, 2009
Gifted & Talented Admissions Update
Gifted & Talented Admissions Update
Information Sessions
Reminder: Information sessions about G&T admissions for Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade will be held in Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and Manhattan next week. Information session dates and locations are listed below and on the DOE website.
G&T Testing
If you’re interested in having your child attend an elementary school G&T program, you must complete a “Request for Testing” form. The forms are available at elementary schools, Borough Enrollment Offices and on the DOE website. You can complete and submit the form online or you can submit a paper copy to your child’s school (or local Borough Enrollment Office if your child attends private school). The deadline to submit a Request for Testing form is Friday, November 6.
G&T Handbooks
Gifted & Talented handbooks with practice tests and program guidelines are available at elementary schools, Borough Enrollment Offices and on the DOE website. For more information about the G&T admissions process for elementary school grades, you can visit the DOE website or call (212) 374-4948.
We hope to see you at an information session next week!
Elementary School Enrollment Team
Gifted & Talented Admissions Information Sessions
October 19: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
MS 113 Ronald Edmonds Learning Center
300 Adelphi Street, Brooklyn, NY 11205
October 20: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
New Dorp High School
465 New Dorp Lane, Staten Island, NY 10306
October 21: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Long Island City High School
14-30 Broadway, Queens, NY 11106
October 22: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Brandeis High School
145 West 84th Street, Manhattan, NY 10024

Please don't forget that Monday, October 19, 2009 is Picture Day. Irvin Simon photographers will be here again all day for our annual school picture event. Please fill the order form and indicate the following: picture package and background. If you have a child in the 5th and 8th grades, do not select a background for them, as they will be taking their graduation pictures in caps and gowns and the background for that will be a pastel color.
You MUST PRE-PAY in order to take a picture – methods of payments accepted are cash, check or money order. If you don’t have an order form you can fill one out on Picture Day (October 19) as the photographers will bring in extra blank forms. You can turn in the envelopes up till the 19th when the photographers are here. As per usual, there will be a make-up date for the students who were absent or not happy with the quality of their pictures
PLEASE NOTE, CLASS PICTURES CANNOT BE REDONE – NO EXCEPTIONS. ALSO, STUDENTS MUST BE IN COMPLETE UNIFORMS FOR THE CLASS PICTURE. School pictures are one of a PTA’s biggest fundraisers, so we need everyone to participate.

Ms. Guerrier spoke about the middle school process and the various events that are related to that: open houses, tours, application deadlines etc. She also informed parents about the vast resources that are available to them and their children. Please go to the OFEA website to learn more.
We also had a guest from the 71st Precinct, Officer J. Evola stop by to meet parents and students. Officer Evola spoke about the work his precinct does to keep our community safe, and asked how they can be better partners. He asked parents to be a first line of defense between their children and outside influences.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
October 2009 Calendar
Thursday, October 1 - Meet & Greet School Night
Saturday, October 3 - Citywide High School Fair; Brooklyn Tech High School
Sunday, October 4 - Citywide High School Fair; Brooklyn Tech High School
Thursday, October 8 - Grade 5 Social Studies Parent Workshop
Saturday, October 10 - PS 161 Entrepreneur Club Fundraiser: Rockaway Revue 1:00 pm
Monday, October 12 - Columbus Day SCHOOL CLOSED
Thursday, October 15 - PTA Meeting; 6:30 pm
Sunday, October 18 - Breast Cancer Awareness Walk; Prospect Park
Monday, October 19 - School Picture Day
Tuesday, October 20 - A.R.I.S Parent Workshop; 9:00 am
Thursday, October 22 - Grade 3 Math Parent Workshop; 9:00 am
Saturday, October 24 - Borough High School Fair; Edward R. Murrow High School 11:00 am
Sunday, October 25 - Borough High School Fair; Edward R. Murrow High School 11:00 am
Wednesday, October 28 - CSLJ Ring Day
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Saturday Parent Academy

The Office for Family Engagement and Advocacy (OFEA) presents its second annual Saturday Parent Academy. The will be sessions on a variety of topics to support parent leaders in their various volunteer positions in our school. Whether you are already active in your school community or considering becoming involved, we invite you to join OFEA for Saturday Parent Academy.
The Program:
Registration: 9:00 - 9:30 am
Opening Session: 9:30 - 9:40 am
Overview of OFEA: 9:35 - 9:45
Workshop, Session 1 - 10:00 am - 11:30 am
- Ensuring success for your child's elementary school experience.
- Ensuring success for the first year of middle school.
- Title 1
- Overview of School Leadership Team
- Record Keeping
- Roles and Responsibilities of the PA/PTA
Workshop, Session 2 - 12:45 pm - 2:15 pm
- Ensuring success for your child's elementary school experience.
- Ensuring success for the first year of middle school.
- Title 1
- Overview of School Leadership Team
- Record Keeping
- Roles and Responsibilities of the PA/PTA
Closing session 2:15 pm - 3:00 pm
Dates and Locations
Manhattan/Brooklyn - Saturday, October 24, 2009 PS 234 Independence School; 292 Greenwich Street
Queens - Saturday, October 17, 2009 Aviation High School; 45-30 36th Street
Bronx - Saturday, November 21, 2009 The Fellsa Rinconde Gautier Institute for Law and Public Policy High School; 1440 Story Avenue
Staten Island - Tuesday, November 10, 2009The Petrides Complex Center; 715 Ocean Terrace Room 118
Contact the OFEA for registration details at 212.374.2323.
School Safety Forum
October 24, 2009, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm at 1224 Park Place between Troy and Albany (entrance on Sterling Place).
The program will feature:
- Gang Awareness
- General Session on the Juvenile Justice System
- Break-out sessions on school safety, cyber bullying and the NYC School Discipline Code
- Operation Safe Child (Free Child ID) presentation by the Office of Kings County District Attorney Charles J. Hynes
Special Guest Speakers: Congress Woman Yvette Clarke; Council Member Letitia James; Senator Eric Adams; Council Member Mathieu Eugene; Assemblyman Karim Camara; and Council Member Darlene Mealy.
Refreshments will be served, also Free "Give-Aways". For further information please call 718.221.4372
Rockaway Revue, Inc.
The Floral Ministry will present an autumn spectacular featuring the Rockaway Review, Inc. The performance titled "This is It" will be held at PS 161 on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at 2:00 pm. Door open at 1 pm. Tickets are $20.00 (tickets will not be sold at the door on the day of the show.) Please contact PS 161/ Ms. Mackey or Ms. Arthur for more information. Light refreshments will be sold.
got game?

"The 78th Precinct Youth Council is a non-profit youth sports organization that provides Brooklyn children from kindergarten through high school with the opportunity to develop leadership abilities, team skills, and personal discipline."
Information for this season is listed below:
* * *

Season begins the last weekend of October and ends the first weekend in March. Games are in local public school gyms in the Park Slope area.
The Fee is $190 for 12 weeks of basketball training and games, jerseys, trophies or other awards, and a season-ending Pizza Party.
On-time registration has ended, however late fees are waived through October 10th for first-time registrants.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Thousands of children marched to City Hall this week in sensible black shoes, a stream of boys and girls from township schools across this seaside city that extended for blocks, passing in a blur of pleated skirts, blazers and rep ties. Their polite demand: Give us libraries and librarians."
No, that paragraph was not in a pamphlet from your local librarians and educators, but from an article in the New York Times describing a protest by students in South Africa to demand an overhaul to the education system there (click here to read the entire article). Earlier this month, PBS aired the latest installment of the Wide Angle documentary, Time for School, a 12-year project on global education. The recurring themes from both the series and article are: education for all children is a inalienable human right; developing countries
It seems as if the students from those countries yearn and appreciate the value of an education more than children in the 'First World' - specifically our children. What happened? When did we lose our way? There was a time in the history of this country when education was the only way to a better life. In fact it's fair to say that some folks died trying to receive a good education. In the Jim Crow south, children were packed into one-room schools; earlier than that, it was a crime for slaves to learn how to read and write. Yet fast-forward two/three hundred years, we have adopted such lackadaisical approach to education. Can we ever get back that passion? Does something have to be taken from us before we feel it's worth fighting for?

During the meeting, the vacant position for treasurer was filled by Ms. Cindy-Ann Williams. Welcome Cindy-Ann, we look forward to working with you!
We want to remind you of some up-coming activities:

Thursday, October 1 - Meet & Greet/Open School House; 6:30 pm
Thursday, October 15 - PTA Meeting
Sunday, October 18 - Breast Cancer Awareness Walk; Prospect Park
Monday, October 19 - School Picture Day
Sunday, September 20, 2009
back in the day.....

Glancing through the papers this weekend, I came across this article in the New York Daily News.
Cursive writing is a fading skill, but do we care enough to save it?
CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- Charleston resident Kelli Davis was in for a surprise when her daughter brought home some routine paperwork at the start of school this fall. Davis signed the form and then handed it to her daughter for the eighth-grader's signature.
"I just assumed she knew how to do it, but I have a piece of paper with her signature on it and it looks like a little kid's signature," Davis said.
Her daughter was apologetic, but explained that she hadn't been required to make the graceful loops and joined letters of cursive writing in years. That prompted a call to the school and another surprise.
West Virginia's largest school system teaches cursive, but only in the 3rd grade.
"It doesn't get quite the emphasis it did years ago, primarily because of all the technology skills we now teach," said Jane Roberts, assistant superintendent for elementary education in Kanawha County schools.
Davis' experience gets repeated every time parents, who recall their own hours of laborious cursive practice, learn that what used to be called "penmanship" is being shunted aside at schools across the country in favor of 21st century skills.
The decline of cursive is happening as students are doing more and more work on computers, including writing. In 2011, the writing test of the National Assessment of Educational Progress will require 8th and 11th graders to compose on computers, with 4th graders following in 2019.
"We need to make sure they'll be ready for what's going to happen in 2020 or 2030," said Katie Van Sluys, a professor at DePaul University and the president of the Whole Language Umbrella, a conference of the National Council of Teachers of English.
Handwriting is increasingly something people do only when they need to make a note to themselves rather than communicate with others, she said. Students accustomed to using computers to write at home have a hard time seeing the relevance of hours of practicing cursive handwriting.
For the rest of the article, click here.
Destination Book Fair

PS 161 is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair on September 29, 2009 through October 1, 2009.
From the Scholastic website - FALL 2009 THEME: Destination Book Fair!
Books take you places, near and far. Destination Book Fair invites readers everywhere to Read Around the World!
Scholastic Book Fairs is sending readers on an adventure, giving them a passport to meet interesting people and visit amazing places through books. Bon voyage! Happy reading!
Please support our school while encouraging your child's passion for reading when you attend and support the book fair.
PTA Meeting on September 21, 2009

Please join us for the first PTA meeting of the school year on Monday, September 21, 2009. You will have the opportunity to meet teachers, staff and parent board members from the PTA, PAC and SLT (you will also learn what all those acronyms are!)
Additionally, a position on the PTA recently became available and we are now looking for a treasurer. If you are interested in joining the PTA board as treasurer, please join us on the 21st to nominate yourself and/or vote.
Monday, August 31, 2009
The following is the schedule for the first week of school.
Monday, September 7 - Labor Day, NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, September 8 - Teachers and other staff report to school
Wednesday, September 9 - All Students: First Day of School
Early Dismissal for Kindergarten Students Only.
Partial school time for Prekindergarten Public School students
Thursday, September 10 - Early Dismissal for Kindergarten Students Only.
Partial school time for Prekindergarten Public School students
Friday, September 11 - Partial school time for Prekindergarten Public School students
Thursday, June 18, 2009
PTA Meeting Tonight
We're back baby!!
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
January 2009 Calendar
The January calendar was distributed today, and the following are the highlights:
Tuesday, Wednesday January 13 and 14: New York State ELA Exam; Grades 3, 4 and 5
Thursday, January 15: New York State ELA Exam: Grade 4
Wednesday, January 14: SLT Meeting; 5:30 pm
Monday, January 19: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, January 20: Presidential Inauguration
Wednesday, Thursday January 21 and 22: New York State ELA Exam; Grades 6, 7 and 8
Friday, January 23: New York State ELA Exam: Grade 6
Thursday, January 22: PTA Meeting; 6:30 pm
Tuesday, January 27: 8th Grade G.A.C. Meeting; 5:30 pm
Friday, January 30: Hearing/Vision Screening begins for Grades K & 1
we're baaaaaaaaaaack!
Friday, September 05, 2008
District Wide Events
High school fair for all 8th graders and their parents. School representatives from all five boroughs will be present. Workshops by Department of Education enrollment officials.
Start Date: 2008-09-20
End Date: 2008-09-21
Event Time: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Event Location: Brooklyn Tech High School 29 Fort Greene Place (by subway: 2,3,4,5 to Atlantic Ave.; Q or R to DeKalb; C to Lafayette;G to Fulton
Event Contact: Office of Student Enrollment, 212-374-2363 or the parent coordinator at your school
UFT Parent Outreach Committee
Where: 335 Adams Street 24th floor
When: Wednesday, September 17th, 2008
Time: 4:30pm– food /5:00pm- meeting
children are always welcome!
Please RSVP to: Betty Zohar 718.722.6936 (Office); 917.796.8950 (Cell)
Directions: 2-3-4-5 Borough Hall, A-C-F Jay Street R-M Lawrance Street
September 2008 Calendar
The September calendar was distributed this week, and the following are the highlights:
Tuesday, September 8: PTA, PAC and School Open House, 6:00 pm
Thursday, September 11: E.L.L. Parent Meeting, 9:00 am
Tuesday, September 16: Grade 1 Spelling Bee, 9:30 am
Wednesday, September 17: Grade 2 Spelling Bee, 9:30 am
Thursday, September 18: Grade 3 Spelling Bee, 9:30 am
Friday, September 19: Grade 4 Spelling Bee, 9:30 am
Tuesday, September 23: Grade 5 Spelling Bee, 9:30 am
Wednesday, September 24: Grade 6 Spelling Bee, 9:30 am
Thursday, September 25: Grade 7 Spelling Bee, 9:30 am
Friday, September 26: Grade 8 Spelling Bee, 9:30 am
Tuesday, September 30: Rosh Hashanah - NO SCHOOL
Welcome back!

welcome back, your dreams are your ticket out.....
Well, if you know the rest of that song you're old!
On behalf of the PTA, we would like to welcome you to a new school year. The 2008-2009 academic year holds much promise for us - we hope you all had a restful summer, because it’s going to take a lot of hard work from EVERYONE to ensure that we have a successful school year. A strong partnership among all the adults – Parents & Guardians, Teachers and Administration - can have a lasting impression on our children’s lives. Let’s get off to a great start!
Please join us for the first PTA meeting of the school year, on Monday, September 8th at 6:00 pm!